Now available in black/white paperback!

This second edition in black and white is able to be priced lower than the first edition printed in color.

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A Poetry Primer: Scranford the Scarecrow and Other FUN Poems

Newly Released - A Poetry Primer: Scranford the Scarecrow

My second book is now available on!  

A Poetry Primer:  Scranford the Scarecrow and Other FUN Poems

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These fun poems encourage young readers to love poetry and to create their own!

Original poems by the author and classic poems by well-known ppoets make poetry come alive.  Parents and teachers love seeing young people excited about reading and writing poetry!

Children love these charming poems, and grown-ups do, too!


FREE Templates for Writing Poems

SIGN UP BELOW to receive child-friendly templates for six styles of poems from A Poetry Primer: Scranford the Scarecrow. Young people can use them to write their own poems after reading about the poetry styles in A Poetry Primer.  Use the "COMMENTS" section to request your free templates for six styles of poems.